// Program to implement mid-point Circle Drawing Algorithm Using C++.
#include<iostream> #include<graphics.h> using namespace std; void circle(int ,int ,int ,int ); void circlepoints(int ,int ,int ,int ,int ); void circle(int x0,int y0,int r,int xc) { int x=0; int y=r; double d=1-r; initwindow(640,480); circlepoints(x0,x,y0,y,xc); cout<<"Value after iteration is::\n"; while(y>x) { if(d<0) { d+=2*x+3; cout<<"Value of d is:"<<d<<"\n"; } else { d+=2*(x-y)+5; cout<<"Value of d is:"<<d<<"\n"; y--; } x++; circlepoints(x0,x,y0,y,xc); cout<<x<<" "<<y<<"\n"<<"\n"; } delay(50000); closegraph(); } void circlepoints(int x0,int x,int y0,int y,int xc) { putpixel((x0+x),(y0+y), xc); putpixel((x0+x),(y0-y), xc); putpixel((x0-x),(y0-y), xc); putpixel((x0-x),(y0+y), xc); putpixel((x0+y),(y0+x), xc); putpixel((x0+y),(y0-x), xc); putpixel((x0-y),(y0+x), xc); putpixel((x0-y),(y0-x), xc); } int main() { int m[16]={BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN, LIGHTGRAY, DARKGRAY, LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTGREEN, LIGHTCYAN, LIGHTRED, LIGHTMAGENTA, YELLOW, WHITE}; int x0,r,y0; int xc; cout<<"Enter the value of x0\n"; cin>>x0; cout<<"Enter the value of y0\n"; cin>>y0; cout<<"Enter the value of r\n"; cin>>r; cout<<"Enter the color\n"; for(int i=0;i<16;i++) { cin>>m[i]; xc=m[i]; break; } circle(x0,y0,r,xc); closegraph(); return 0; }
// Output of the above program
Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm Using C++ |
Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm Using C++ |
Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm Using C++ |
Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm Using C++ |
Checkout this video on mid-point Circle Drawing Algorithm Using C++ in CodeBlocks 13.12...
error in midpoint cicle algorithm in header graphic.h